Mouvement Netzkraft


Venloer Str. 415
50825 Köln

Personne de contact:

+49 221-124019 / 1390392
+49 221-9727492

Les Thèmes

  • Antiracisme, politique d'integration
  • Condition + projet féminin

Qui sommes-nous

Since May 1993, Agisra has been maintaining an office in Cologne in which immigrants, women of refugees and black women in need and conflict situations can get expert advice and suppport in different languages. On the one hand, they get assistance on the psycho-social level whose priority is the legal and social situation of the immigrants, on the other hand on the psycho-therapeutic level. The member team which consists of a colourful ethnic mixture of eight women can take care of Iranian, Turkish, Polish, Russian and Latin-American women in their native language. Interpreters are consulted, if other languages are concerned. The advisors mainly paid attention to sexism and racism which made it possible to take care of prostitutes and forced prostitutes. The consultation and support does not only take place in the office rooms of the advice centre, but also in the form of street work; the members visit the Cologne district called "Eigelstein" regularly to make social consultation, psycho-social work and health information for the immigrated prostitutes possible.

The main subject of the psychotherapy of the immigrants is the psychological state of the women, their identity problems as well as experience of violence and other negative experience which can be worked out in different forms of therapy: the members of AGISRA are educated in feminist psychodrama, systemic single and pair therapy and figure-therapeutic oriented advice.

Agisra is financed by public funds (3 created jobs, 1.5 jobs by the Ministry of equality of men and women) and by donations. With the help of these funds it was also possible to start the project "Zufluchtswohnung für Migrantinnen in Ausbeutungs-, Gewalt- und Notsituationen" (home of refuge for immigrants who are being exploited, who are in situations of violence and in need). Agisra also takes care of the linking up of groups who do anti-racial and feminist work or who stand up against illegal trafficking of women.

We can give expert advice and communicate specialist information on the above subjects.