Netzkraft Movement

African Center

Box 110
03187 Kiev

Contact person:

+380 67 500 5888
+380 44 266 3800


  • Aid organization
  • Aid for developing countries
  • Human rights

About us

African Center is a non-governmental organization dedicated to helping to improve the living standard of Africans. The activities of the Center include working for peaceful co-existence between people of different ethnic origins, defending the rights of people, especially Africans against such injustices as racism, social inequalities, repression, discrimination, violence, xenophobia, and so on.

The core activities of African Center are:

- to educate non-Africans and Africans themselves, about the good side of Africa,
- to encourage Africans who have the means (especially those in foreign lands) and people of African descent, to contribute to African progress,
- to inform about people who have made positive impacts on African communities and / or on the lives of Africans and the specific impacts made, with the goal of encouraging other Africans, to emulate their examples;
- to raise the awareness of, and educate the masses who form the bulk majority of the African continent, most of whom are neither educated on nor aware of situations right in their immediate surroundings, who thus act passively on relevant matters that concern their very welfare;
- to act as a Center for disseminating relevant information and exchanging ideas.

African Center Newsletter provides pertinent information about Africa, and Africans both home and abroad. Considered the newsletter 'of the people for the people', it is distributed freely across the globe, reaching rural communities in Africa.

As the mouthpiece, the newsletter keeps non-Africans and Africans (including those in rural areas who are often neglected), abreast on developments, creating awareness among them and offering the opportunity to participate.

For other net participants we can offer information about African countries and communities.