
Jaggarta Social Welfare Organization (JSWO)

Mirpurkhas, Sindh

Kontaktperson: Ameer Haider



  • Hilfsorganisation
  • Bildungspolitik/-projekt
  • Sozialpolitik/behinderte Menschen

Über uns

Jaggarta Social Welfare Organization (JSWO), founded in 2001, is a non-profit, non-political & non-governmental organization working for social development and poverty alleviation.

JSWO is involved in the socio-economic and rural development activities, on a self-help and participatory basis, particularly in the areas of health, education, poverty alleviation, WASH, environment and disaster risk management, capacity building and others with emphasis on child welfare, women development, human rights, environment and community mobilization.

Sustainable development of the marginalized communities of Sindh.

JSWO Mission
To mobilize communities by conducting training, motivational programs and aware them about health, education, political education, human rights, youth awareness, disaster management, agriculture, & income generation by increasing participation in these activities and involvement of communities for better future.

• Rural Based Community School in District Mirpurkhas
• WASH Flood Emergency Response
• Food Security
• Environment Protection through tree plantation
• Micro-credit Project
• Installation of Bio-Gas Plants
• Medical Camp Project

• JSWO build the first audio visual lab in the rural based community school RBCS schools and also established library for primary grade students. JSWO believes that this audio visual lab will also be a catalyst in the academic performance and learning of our students.
• JSWO is one of Sindh´s leading NGO working in a wide range of sectors. It manages over 2 dozen community schools, builds shelters for flood affectees, counducts WASH programs and runs also many health projects.

Ameer Haider is the Program Manager of the Jaggarta Social Welfare Organization (JSWO).

For other net participants we can offer an expert guidance through trained staff, give an expert opinion, procure expert information and establish new contacts in the field of our work.