Mouvement Netzkraft

Mukwaya Robert Foundation Africa


P.O.BOX493 Bulera , Mityana District

Personne de contact: Robert Mukwaya


Les Thèmes

  • Organisation d'aide
  • Politique + projet d'éducation
  • Politique sociale/hommes handicapés
  • Possibilité passer la nuit.
  • Bénévoles sont les bienvenus.

Qui sommes-nous

Mukwaya Robert Foundationt Africa Ltd., a registered non-profit organisation aimed at improving the needy orphans and youth, was established in the year of 2019 in Bulera, Mityana District, Uganda.
In our project area number of orphan, semi orphan, disabled people and street children are found. The problem of orphan/street children is acute due to urbanization and industrialization. Due to the deaths of HIV/AIDS affected persons, re-marriage of deserted/widowed/divorce women, absence of love and security in the families, family disputes, unwanted pregnancy of trafficking/Sexually exploited girls; these orphan and street children are left without care and support. These children are involved in rag picking; pick pocketing and participating in anti-social, criminal activities.

Our vision
A society free from humanitarian crises for sustainable economic development.

Our mission
To promote innovations that guide development programming processes, goals and objectives of several initiatives in a clean and healthy environment for sustainable community development through support and advocacy.

Our objectives
• To facilitate the achievement of its mission, Robert Foundation pursues the following objectives:
• To bring children to Christ through giving them care and love.
• To have help a child to be a better person.
• To give do it yourself skills to all our children.
• To change the minds of those who seem to be nothing to something.
• To bring the children who are not in Christ to Christ {we don’t have any specific religion, he said come all of you who are burdened I will make you rest, he is the God of all with flesh, not God of a certain religion, he did not come to condemn a sinner but a sinner to turn away from his sins.

weaving a tapestry of hope, resilience, and transformation.

The journey is far from over, as the organization continues to embrace their mission, guided by Mukwaya Robert's unyielding spirit and the promise of brighter tomorrows

For other net participants we can offer an expert guidance through trained staff, give an expert opinion, procure expert information and establish new contacts in the field of our work.