Mouvement Netzkraft

Women Education and Development Initiative (WEDI)

Embakasi Central "Kayole Komaroke Phase 2 location"

Personne de contact: Rebecca Selemani

+254 748776462

Les Thèmes

  • Politique + projet d'éducation
  • Politique sociale/hommes handicapés
  • Condition + projet féminin
  • Bénévoles sont les bienvenus.

Qui sommes-nous

Women Education and Development Initiative (WEDI) is a registered refugee Led community-based organisation whose aim to create equal opportunities, rights and representation for women and girls in all spheres of life.

The main purpose of Women Education and Development Initiative (WEDI) is to allow women and girls to have more control over their careers by investing them in training, mentoring, equality programs, education grants and promotion into senior level positions by ensuring their career growth which is essential to creating long-term employees.

Our mission
To care, advocate, support and empower refugee and host community women through Education, Livelihood development, Gender and Reproductive health services.

Our vision
A world in which all women are empowered and equal partners in society.

• Education Program: To promote self-employment and socio-economic empowerment of refugee and host community women and girls. Our focus are English language skills (Literacy skills); Basic ICT skills; Soft Skills; Accelerated and Integrated learning.
• Livelihood development Program: For women and girls to earn higher incomes, participate in decision making that most affect them and build better futures for themselves and their families. Our focus are Micro-projects (Tailoring and dressmaking, Hairdressing, Gardening, Poultry Keeping; Micro-Finance (Business coaching and Entrepreneurship)
• Gender and Reproductive Health Program: For women and girls to define the power, privilege, the rights to make choices about their future and possibilities that some people have and some other do not have in the society. Our focus are SGV training and awareness; GBV survivor advocacy and counselling; SRH training and Referrals; HIV/AIDS training and Support for survivors

For other net participants we can offer an expert guidance through trained staff, give an expert opinion, procure expert information and establish new contacts in the field of our work.

. **Speak Up**: Raise your voice against violence.