Netzkraft Movement


c/o Haus der Jugendarbeit | Rupprechtstr. 29 / 1. Stock
80636 München

Contact person:

+49 089 – 5 46 90 50
+49 089 – 5 46 90 50


  • Educational policy/project
  • Environmental organization
  • Environmental project
  • Volunteers are welcome.

About us

ANIMALS UNITED e.V., Bavaria, was founded in Munich in 1984 as a Bavarian regional association of opponents of animal experiments. Our organisation is a member of People for Animal Rights, the National Association of opponents of animal experiments. Our campaign is non-violent and we only use legal methods to combat the wrongs done to our fellow creatures.

• Recognition and implementation of basic animal rights; adoption of animal protection into the European Union constitution.
• The prohibition of all animal experiments; promotion and use of testing methods which do not involve animals.
• A shift away from keeping so-called “production animals” in intensive, abusive conditions.
• Abolition of animal transport.
• Promotion of a vegetarian or vegan diet.
• An end to all kinds of exploitation, abuse and cruelty to animals.

• Influencing the public and governmental bodies by: publications; regular information booths; public meetings; information in the press, radio, internet and other media.
• Winning over celebrities to support our work.
• Speaking to the authorities and law-making bodies as well as handing in petitions; working together with organisations and individuals who share our aims.

• Creative competition: we are looking for the best poster to promote animal protection!
• "Animal protection is fun!” Lessons on animal protection for children and young people.
• REACH: The EU chemicals regulation REACH stands for Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals and provides for the testing of thousands of chemicals for their safety for humans and the environment. Since the emergence of these plans, people such as the doctors against animal experiments have fought for a REACH which does not involve animal experiments. However, despite all the efforts from the animal protection side, the data is mainly obtained through animal experiments.
• "Vegetarians are…": Campaign page, including a map with veggie restaurants and competitions.
• Animal protection overseas
• Anti cow races, anti rodeo, anti bullfighting.
• "I love my hunter": providing information to the public about hunting. We would like to raise a voice – at least a digital one – to counter that of the hunting lobby, e.g. the BJV poster campaign.

On request we can offer other net participants advice, give a presentation, and provide up-to-date information and contacts in the field of our work.

animal 2ooo engagiert sich gegen Rodeo-Veranstaltungen.
"Tierschutz macht Spaß!" bietet im Großraum München Tierschutzunterricht für Kinder und Jugendliche an. Auch Erwachsenen-Workshops werden angeboten.
Im Rahmen der "Bist du gelabelt?" Anti-Pelz-Kampagne werden in ganz München Plakatflächen gemietet, um über die Wahrheit der vermeindlich flauschigen Pelzbesätze zu informieren.
Der bekannte Musiker Peter Maffay und das internationale Tatoomodel Sandy P. Peng unterstützen die "Bist du gelabelt?" Anti-Pelz Kampagne von animal 2ooo e. V. und AnimalsUnited e. V.