
Food Plant Solutions (FPS)

PO Box 690; 6181 Frankford Road Wesley Vale,

Kontaktperson: Karalyn Hingston


  • Hilfsorganisation
  • Bildungspolitik/-projekt
  • Umweltprojekt
  • Freiwillige Helfer sind willkommen.

Über uns

The Food Plant Solutions project was designed to address malnutrition through the use of readily available and local food sources. The work is underpinned by the Food Plants International database developed by Tasmanian agricultural scientist and Officer of the Order of Australia recipient, Bruce French. This database contains information on over 31,250 edible plants for all countries of the world, and is the largest of its kind. Since June 2007, the Food Plant Solutions committee, with other volunteers, have transformed Food Plant Solutions from a concept into a dynamic project that is internationally recognised. Food Plant Solutions is based in Australia and is a not-for-profit, non-government organisation.

The prime objective of FPS is to provide science based educational resources, information and technical support to aid providers and care-givers that identify the most nutritious food plants known to grow in a country or region.

Our work
Science based educational publications are created, which are designed to quantify the nutritional value of local food plants and educate care-givers on what foods are more nutritious.
Often the plants identified include neglected and under-utilised species.
The materials explain what nutritious food is, why human bodies need it and what plants to grow and eat to achieve a nutritious diet.
Food Plant Solutions empowers people but particularly women, to understand the connection between plant selection and nutrition.
Food Plant Solutions does not send people in-country, but forms partnerships with existing aid providers, which reduces cost and duplication. This is a very cost effective approach.
The publications address malnutrition and food security and empowers women, who are often the main providers and purchasers of food in the family. In many cases this will increase incomes, particularly for women, which benefits the family unit as a whole, and it safeguards and strengthens the capacity of women to provide food security, health and nutrition for their family.
FPS can link in with existing aid projects – most people in challenging situations also require nutritious food. The FPS approach is as applicable in places where people are in conflict and turning to ‘bush’ foods to survive.
A partner only needs to give FPS information on where the project is and FPS can create the publications as described above. Field trips to determine suitable plants are not required, as the FPI database contains all the required information.
With program partners, FPS encourages the establishment of demonstration food gardens in schools and communities, as these provide ongoing education and improve the health and nutrition of participants, who are provided with nutritious food prepared from these gardens.

Karalyn Hingston is the Executive Officer of Food Plant Solutions (FPS).

For other net participants we can offer an guidance through trained staff, procure expert information and establish new contacts in the field of our work.

FPS program partner focuses on taking people out of poverty, permanently. Here is one of many community gardens in the Philippines.
FPS program partner runs school gardens in Vietnam. Malnutrition has reduced by between 40-100%.
FPS program partner in Ethiopia, focuses on children’s nutrition to ensure their full cognitive and physical development.
FPS program partner in Tanzania, focuses on empowering women through education to improve nutrition and food security.
FPS program partner in Uganda.