Netzkraft Movement

Timmy Global Health

22 E 22nd Street
Indianapolis, IN 46202
United States

Contact person: Nick Reich

+1 317.920.1821; +1 317.938.7607


  • Aid organization
  • Social policy/disabled persons
  • Educational policy/project
  • Volunteers are welcome.

About us

Timmy Global Health, founded in 1997, is an international nonprofit empowering communities to improve local health outcomes.

Our Vision
To build a healthier world through a community of global leaders.

Our Mission
To empower communities to address health disparities in a sustainable way.

What we do
We connect people to primary healthcare. We support community leadership and engage global health advocates in a community-oriented primary care model. By weaving local health workers, in-country partner organizations, and our network of passionate global health advocates together, we build sustainable local healthcare capacity and foster meaningful cultural exchange.

How we do it
We use a Community Oriented Primary Care model to support existing healthcare systems. We also engage students and volunteers to impact both our international partner’s work and their local home communities. Engaging a social justice lens, we expect students to commit to fundraising, serving locally and advocating for global health causes.

Focus areas
• Access to healthcare: We do this by increasing health financing and recruitment, development, training and retention of at least one healthcare professional in every region we work in. By providing financial and logistical support to local clinics, we capacitate treatment of communicable and non-communicable disease at a larger scale by connecting people to resources such as health screenings, medication, specialty care and preventative services. We are also committed to the education and training of Community Health Workers to strengthen the work of these local clinics and ensure that patients are supported within their communities. .
• WASH (Water, Sanitation, Hygiene): Timmy Global Health’s Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) program improves access to clean water, basic sanitation, and adequate hygiene in rural communities. We do this by focusing on the needs of the rural communities where we work and tailoring our WASH program to address the root causes of waterborne diseases through prevention to reduce the need for medical treatment. WASH focuses on clean water supply, sanitation infrastructure, hand washing, and education in community households, schools, and local healthcare facilities. We work with local partners and communities to apply appropriate technologies and behavior change strategies to improve the overall health of the community.
• Nutrition: We are partnering with local organizations to create solutions that address the unique nutritional needs of each community behind these threats which not only place an unacceptably high burden on the health of the population, but reinforce the cycle of poverty and disease. We do this by working directly with our local partners to employ evidence-based, cost effective preventative practices that address undernutrition, anemia, micronutrient deficiencies, overnutrition and nutrition-related non-communicable disease.
• Maternal & Child Health: Timmy Global Health provides resources for cost-effective interventions as well as access to education to improve maternal and child health. We do this by focusing on initiatives that reduce the global maternal mortality ratio, end preventable deaths of newborns and children under 5 years of age, and expand access to sexual and reproductive health-care services.

Where we work
We support programs at 8 sites throughout Ecuador, Guatemala, the Dominican Republic and Nigeria. We work closely alongside partner organizations and clinics at each site, ensuring that our work is led and informed by local leaders.

Nick Reich is the Executive Director of Timmy Global Health.

For other net participants we can offer an expert guidance through trained staff, give an expert opinion, procure expert information and establish new contacts in the field of our work.