Netzkraft Movement

Bildungsförderung in Oberguinea e.V.

Geranienstr. 8
76297 Stutensee

Contact person: Martine Clemot

+ 49 (0)7244 92558; +49 (0)160 84 75097


  • Aid organization
  • Educational policy/project
  • Overnight facilities
  • Volunteers are welcome.

About us

Affected of the years of the rural exodus of Africans, afraid about the inhuman european policy of migration, we want to contribute to the improvement of the relationship between the North and the South. Therefore we found in 2007 the non-profit association "Bildungsförderung in Oberguinea e.V.".

We try to help the 13,000 habitants of Fodécariah, a village in Guinée, where my husband was born, having a school perspective for their children. Because of the absence of a secondary school in Fodécariah, the non-profit association Bildungsförderung in Oberguinea e.V. and 2 partner organizations want to realize the construction of a secondary school.

We understand our project as a part of "social globalism". It is imperative that the people of Guinée be educated in their own country. This will ensure a more effective exploitation of their natural resources and the creation of employment in this field for future generations. This would also represent the best strategy to battle rural exodus. Finally, this solid education will protect against a mentality of religious and political intolerance and ignorance.

The goal of our organization:
• Finance the construction of a "semi professional" secondary school, which would include ten classes, a room for the teachers, a library, a biology classroom, a Physics/Chemistry classroom as well as an IT classroom.
• The professional school would have training workshops with the necessary equipment.
• This school would also have a cafeteria to ensure that the students receive at least one hot meal per day.
• Knowing that the village of Fodecariah does not have drinking water and no electric power station, we will complete the project by installing a powerful solar system as well as drilling a well with a powerful pump.
• The association is attempting to create a network of European high schools which would be willing and able to furnish the Guinean facility by recycling their equipment.
• With the help of the Minister of Education and the University Kankan, we hope that a staff of teachers will be made available to teach at this high school.
• We hope that assistance from the World Food Program (WFP) will guarantee the proper functioning of the cafeteria.
• Finally, our last wish would be that all of the books written by the Western African authors, a majority of whom live in exil, be integrated into the school curriculum.

Our publicity objectives:
• Reference and information about the Western region of Africa
• Make presentations on Guinea in the French and German schools
• Make presentations on our Association during various activities in Africa
• Start networking with other human rights organizations
• Produce an information flyer in the German language
• Provide the translation of the flyer in French and in English

Martine Clémot initiated the project and formed the association Bildungsförderung in Oberguinea e.V..

For other net participants we can offer overnight facilities. Also we can offer an expert guidance through trained staff, give an expert opinion, procure expert information and establish new contacts in the field of our work.

Fischfest in Fodecariah