Hopeworth Children’s Foundation

151 Mbarara – Kasese Rd,
Contact person: Masika Calvin
- Aid organization
- Educational policy/project
- Social policy/disabled persons
- Volunteers are welcome.
About us
Hopeworth Children's Foundation offers hope, love, and protection to 20 orphans by providing them a haven to create their future in.
In 2011, during the ongoing war in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Masika Calvin started Hopeworth Children’s Foundation. Little did she know about how her efforts would develop and extend to influence the lives of more and more people. In 2019 Masika decided to take the step to the next level and establish Worth a Haven Foundation Limited. Through this new organisation she is able to reach more people and improve more lives.
What we do
Education is the key to empowerment. Know-how and new practices in the field of agriculture and the development of young people can improve chances of not only survival but create engineers which could grow up being the leaders this country needs. Time has come to put an end to the continuous creation of lost generations in Uganda. Children and the women who raise them need to finally get the opportunity to realize their potential and start to transform this country. This can be done through talent scouting and skill development.
The organization was started to act as voice to voiceless after recognizing the suffering of orphans in communities. Furthermore we have tried to provide food to orphans by buying food and we have introduced system of hiring land cultivation in order for orphans to produce their own food. Lack of accommodation has meant that I have rented a house to were I have managed to bring all orphans together and provided them with accomadotion and food in one place. The children need clothes and I have been using half of my salary and conations from volunteers outside Uganda to buy clothes and food for the children
At the moment we are constructing a new home to our children, so they will be safe when the leasing period expires on the present building. The new Orphanage is located 10 minutes from Kasese town. The new orphanage will be bigger, waterproof, and will be constructed with a kitchen, a deposit room, a toilet and a study room for the kids to do their homework, draw or anything else that takes silence and concentration. We really hope to finish the new building soon, so the children can move into their new home and hopefully have a great time there. We still need help with constructing the new orphanage, so if you are thinking about coming to Kasese we would appreciate even the smallest contribution.
After the construction of a children’s center where kids can grow up in peace, Worth a Haven’s next project is to construct a school. A space where talent can be developed, skills can be trained and the potential of each child can be expressed. The school will be constructed using environmental-friendly materials, where the use of recycled materials is a priority. Vulnerable children will be able to enjoy revolutionary education, even if their parents do not have the necessary means.
• Worth Growing Food Project: This Project will create a better food system that's fair to farmers, kind to the planet and great for all of us. The project will promote growing goof on a small scale and a large scale while harnessing the buying power and skills of our community to reshape the food and farming systems that feed us, providing people with an ethically driven alternative to the current damaging food system. On a household basis will do organic fruit growing and small vegetable schemes this will help improve the nutrition of children and the livelihood of the household members and this system is more climate-friendly food system.
• Water project: Our solution to this challenge is to drill water and pump it from the underground using a solar power system, supply water to the community, construct community water reserve tanks, and install an irrigation system at our children?s home gardens. The project will help the 1500 households and at our children?s home to access sustainable and affordable safe water. Our children?s home will be able to produce vegetables with support of the irrigation throughout that year, this will feed our children and sell the surplus to the communities for sustainability of our childrens home essential programs.
• Nursery and primary school construction: This project hopeful shall be accomplished not later than May . Though we started with a 3 classroom building and we hope to add more classrooms, staffroom , library and administration block in the nearest future. The schools mission is to teach vulnerable children in the community at a free cost and the rest of the children from middle state families can pay liitle money for other expenses.
• Piggery project: A few weeks down the road we also started a piggery project and have done the foundation stage and we are in the walls construction stage of the piggery house. We hope to accomplish this dream too though we face a few challenges of all sorts : low supply of raw materials,insufficient capital. We believe to have a sustainable impact on the community and ourselves.
• Further more we are doing farming as always since its uganda´s backbone and for full sustainability . We do plant vegetables like cabbages,tomatoes,fruits. Though at times we do face other challenges like low rain/dry season , pesticides etc
• We are also running an irrigation water solar pump project which shall facilitate the irrigatiom/watering the plants
Masika Calvin is the Founder of Hopeworth Children's Foundation.
For other net participants we can offer an expert guidance through trained staff, give an expert opinion, procure expert information and establish new contacts in the field of our work.