Movimiento Netzkraft


Empowerment und Beratung für Frauen mit Behinderung

Hauffgasse 3-5
1110 Wien

Persona de contacto: Elisabeth Udl

+43 (0)1-7143939-11
+43 (0)1-7143939-9

Áreas temáticas

  • Organización de apoyo
  • Política social/Discapacitados
  • Política de la mujer / Proyecto feminista
  • Ayudantes voluntarios serán bienvenidos.

Sobre nosotros

Ninlil iis the name of a goddess who stood up to violence. This is the name we have taken for our organisation, founded in 1996. Ninlil offers empowerment and advice to handicapped women.

Our two areas of work are "Power House" - combatting sexual violence against women with learning difficulties – and "Slow Motion" - advice for handicapped women from their peers.

POWER HOUSE offers advice, empowerment, and networking to combat sexual violence against women with learning difficulties.
• Advice for women with learning difficulties who have been affected by sexual violence (even if this took place long ago).
• Advice for assistants, carers, family members and other principal carers of women with learning difficulties who have suffered sexual violence.
• Empowerment Seminars on the prevention of sexual violence.
• Womens empowerment group.
• Linking up with facilities for the handicapped, with peer support groups as well as with facilties concerned with protecting women from violence.

SLOW MOTION provides peer counselling for women with various forms of handicap and disability.
The counsellors in SLOW MOTION are themselves handicapped women. As peer counsellors they can put their specialist knowledge, information and of course their experiences as handicapped women in daily life at the disposal of others.

Areas of work:
• Self-determined living:
problematical living situations, moving home, living in a Home, support in conflicts with fellow residents or carers.
• Living with personal assistance:
Personal asistance is one way of achieving a self-determined lifestyle, since you, as the expert, can decide who should assist you, what that person should do, when and how they should do it. It means that you can make use of a service which you have to pay for. It also means, however, being able to act with authority in your personal and private life.
• Body / sexuality:
Sexuality and sexual orientation: desire for a relationshop and relationship problems. Pregnancy and motherhood with handicap.

Elisabeth Udl is the President of Ninlil.

On request we can offer other net participants advice, give a presentation, and provide up to date information and contacts in the field of our work.