Mouvement Netzkraft

Arbeitskreis für Entwicklungspolitik und Selbstbesteuerung e.V.

Rainhausgasse 12
88131 Lindau/B.

Personne de contact: Stoller, Dr. Dietmar

+49 8382/409066

Les Thèmes

  • Aide pour des pays en voie de dévellopement
  • Droits de l'Homme
  • Projet d'environnement

Qui sommes-nous

Our working group for development policy and self-taxation is a charitable association with approx. 100 members. With the help of self-taxation the promoters of the intitiative finance development aid projects which - contrary to the unfair living conditions in the Third World - support justice. Since the end of the sixties, the group has collected about 1 million German Marks through self-taxation to support self-help organizations in that part of the earth which was exploited at that time and still is. It is our objective to contribute to create "One World" in which the realization of the human rights becomes a reality of life that can be experienced by all people.

Therefore, we support only projects

- which are not supported by major development aid organizations,
- to which we have direct access through intermediaries,
- which are wanted and supported by the population itself,
- which lead to a change of consciousness and appropriate living in our country.

Dr. Dietmar Stoller, born in Lindau in 1940, is a teacher. From 1993 to 1966, he was spokesman of the "Arbeitsgemeinschaft bayerischer Nord-Süd Foren" (study-group Bavarian north-south forums).

We give lectures, communicate up-to-date specialist information and arrange for contacts on the subjects development policy and Rio-agenda and support development projects.