Netzkraft Movement

The Grassroots Campaign for a Sustainable Israel

PO Box 30006
New York, NY 10011
United States

Contact person: David Krantz

+1 347-559-4492
info [at] greenzionism [dot] org


  • Environmental organization
  • Educational policy/project
  • Volunteers are welcome.

About us

The Green Zionist Alliance (GZA), a North America-based nonprofit organization, was founded in 2001. GZA offers a place for all people — regardless of political or religious affiliation — who care about humanity's responsibility to preserve the Earth and the special responsibility of the Jewish people to preserve the ecology of Israel.

The GZA works:
• to educate and mobilize people around the world for Israel’s environment;
• to protect Israel's environment and support its environmental movement;
• to improve environmental practices within the World Zionist Organization and its constituent agencies;
• to inspire people to work for positive change.

By focusing on the environment while working from a pluralistic and multicultural base, the Green Zionist Alliance seeks to bridge the differences between and within religions and people — helping to build a peaceful and sustainable future for Israel and the Middle East.

What We Do
Educate within the Diaspora about Israel's environment and the Israeli environmental movement, through educational programming and resources for individuals, schools, and community groups, including:
• The environmental speakers bureau, providing experts available to speak on many eco-Jewish and Israeli environmental topics;
• Disseminate environmental information to expand interest among a growing community of Jews concerned about the environment in Israel and the Middle East;
• Direct-education programming for teen and adult groups;
• Dissemination of educational resources on Israel’s environment.
Support Israel's environment and its environmental movement, through increased exposure to their organizations and missions.
• Provide a conduit for the Israeli environment movement to conduct educational and advocacy campaigns in the Diaspora;
• Coordinate/promote eco-trips to Israel for a variety of audiences including teens, adults and funders;
• Assist organizations in establishing Diaspora boards and support organizations.
Influence Israel's environmental policies through increased representation in the World Zionist Congress and its constituent agencies.
• Work within the structure of the World Zionist Congress to legislate policy for the Jewish Agency, World Zionist Organization and KKL;
• Work within the boards of KKL-JNF to affect policy decisions;
• Work with Zionist organizations and world Zionist federations to raise environmental awareness and integrate environmental concerns into their missions and platforms;
• Mobilize a voice for Diaspora Jewry on important environmental issues.

David Krantz is the president of the Green Zionist Alliance.

For other net participants we can offer an expert guidance through trained staff, give an expert opinion, procure expert information and establish new contacts in the field of our work.