Netzkraft Movement

Schulwälder für Westafrika e.V.

c/o Dr. Sam Essiamah, Brauweg 53
37073 Göttingen

Contact person: Dr. Sam Essiamah

+49 (0)5 51 / 7 17 96


  • Environmental project
  • Aid organization
  • Volunteers are welcome.

About us

The non-profit organisation Schulwälder für Westafrika (Forest Nurseries for West Africa), founded in September 2000, supports north-south school twinning by tree-planting projects in West African schools, as a contribution towards protecting the rain forests from destruction and nature conservancy.

Our aims:
• the planting of trees in the grounds of schools
• building up an environment information centre in Ghana
• environment education in German and African schools
• providing further education for teachers in the area of world environment education
• inter-cultural exchanges with partners in Germany, in particular to the Children's Forest near Göttingen.
• procurement of school partnerships and the takeover of tree and forest partnerships.

The project aims to give children theoretical and practical knowledge of tree planting, to ensure their long-term sustainability and to bring about the reafforestation of school grounds as a contribution towards protecting the rain forests from destruction.

Publicity for the project in Germany is achieved through events, newspaper and magazine articles and especially through advertising for school twinning.

Supported by a trust, 10 hectares of land in Ochiso (Ghana) were acquired in 2002, with the aim of creating a forest nursery. Apart from the planting of seedlings, the aim was to use this plot of land to set up a Show Garden (botanical garden), a herb garden with traditional medicinal herbs and a “People's Forest”.

Our organisation cooperates with numerous partners
• Schulwälder für West-Afrika e.V. / Göttingen
• Verein für außerschulische Bildung e.V. / Dransfeld
• Deutscher Entwicklungsdienst / Regionale Bildungsstelle Göttingen
• Die Schule am Habbrügger Weg / Ganderkesee
• Youth an Environmental Club / Ochiso – Ghana

The international twinning project “Forest Nurseries for West Africa / Worldwide Children's Forests” consists of an innovative network of schools, other places of education, educational agencies, the Ghanaian Ministries of Forestry and Education and a network of north-south networks (Germany-Ghana).

Dr. Sam Kwesi Essiamah is the president of the organisation.

On request we can offer other net participants advice and provide up to date information and contacts in the field of our work.

Schild mit Hinweis auf Ganderkeseer Wald.
Zustand des Schulhof bei Anfang des Projekts.
Anfang der Baumpflanzung 1999.
Pflanzungszustand 2007
Pflanzungszustand 2010
Schulkinder machen ihre Hausaufgabe unter Solarlicht.
Übergabe von Solarlampen an Schulkinder unter ihrem gepflanzten Wald, 2008.