Netzkraft Movement

REST (Rare and Endangered Species Trust of Namibia)

PO Box 178
9000 Otjiwarongo

Contact person: Maria Diekmann



  • Environmental organization
  • Educational policy/project
  • Overnight facilities
  • Volunteers are welcome.

About us

REST is a non- profit organization founded in September of 2000. The objective of REST is to research and provide logistic support for Namibias endangered species. with a special emphasis on Namibia’s most endangered species…the Cape Griffon Vulture.

REST has chosen five rare and endangered species, known as the “Forgotten 5” as their main focus. These animals in turn represent biodiversity within the entire land ecosystem of Namibia.
• Cape Griffon Vulture
• Dwarf Python
• Pangolin
• African Wild/Painted Dog
• Spotted Rubber Frog
• Damara Dik Dik

REST has recently moved headquarters to a farm just south of Otjiwarongo, Namibia, and future plans include a variety of conservation and research structures with emphasis on education facilities for visitors from the community and abroad.

REST has developed and is now implementing an ambitious and coordinated programme aimed at conserving the last remaining Cape Griffon population in Namibia. The organization has become a leader in vulture conservation and is the first organization in Africa to put satellite telemetry on vultures.

• Stakeholder Awareness
• Vulture Friendly Farms
• SOS-Save our Species Campaign: school art competition which aims to raise the awareness of the plight of rare and endangered species with young Namibian children.
• Eco-system Value
• Assisting Farmers – Predator ID
• Assisting Farmers – Livestock Protection Collar Project: REST is involving local Namibians in efforts to develop poison alternative items to scare predators away from livestock. Specifically scent and noise collars, which are non-lethal but very effective as they make the predator unsure of its environment.
Future Plans:
• New Facilities
• Broader Programs
• Overseas Education
Getting the Word Out:
• Research Base
• Positive Communication
• Worldwide Media Support
• Partnerships
Namibian Poison and Vulture Awareness Campaign

Volunteers and students from around the world have been involved with the work of REST.

Maria Diekmann is the Founder & Director of REST.

For other net participants we can offer an expert guidance through trained staff, give an expert opinion, procure expert information and establish new contacts in the field of our work.