Movimiento Netzkraft

Fair Aid e.V.

Ritterstr. 4
79618 Rheinfelden

Persona de contacto: Jörg Mauch

Áreas temáticas

  • Organización de apoyo
  • Ayuda para países en vías de desarrollo
  • Ayudantes voluntarios serán bienvenidos.

Sobre nosotros

We are a non-profit organisation which works on the ONE WORLD principle, combining fair trade with direct aid. We try to break down the global situation and the FAIR AID environment into manageable components, not to be broken by it. Therefore FAIR AID always concentrates on the local conditions. This not only applies to our activities in Germany, but also to Africa. We consider three key points to be important:


• FAIR AID aims to make people aware of the global situation and to identify possible courses of action. This involves presentations and information booths on Choose Life Africa, Fair Brunch and other events connected with the ONE WORLD theme. This includes our website and publicity work. We endeavour to provide comprehensive information on the topics of AIDS in Africa, Choose Life Africa Network, fair trade and ONE WORLD.

Fair Trade
• air trade is an important tool which can improve many people’s living standards and increase justice in the global situation. The individual consumer in the supermarket can make an enormous difference. That is why FAIR AID supports the idea of fair trade by Fair Brunch and by cooperating with the fair trade shop VAMOS CAMINANDO, which FAIR AID supports with publicity work.
• Fair trade also means dealing fairly with our partners. We don’t see ourselves as generous sponsors, but as part of a team. Work in Africa is much harder than here, so we don’t call the tune, but seek to have discussions with the people on the ground and to learn from each other.

Direct Aid
• By this we mean raising money and seeing that it gets to where it is needed without too much bureaucracy.
• We support a project called “Choose Life”, which is founded, led and operated by local people. These people should be enabled to find solutions to their own problems. Our contribution is merely to put them in a position to do so. So we make a point of seeing that our some of our funds are invested in the education of the workers in the field. Choose Life is a local anti-AIDS project and supports widows and orphans with essentials like food, house repairs, health care, school fees etc.

Bärbel Blechschmitt is the spokeswoman for Choose Life.
Jörg Mauch is the president of Fair Aid.

On request we can offer other net participants advice or a presentation. We can provide up-to-date information and contacts in the field of our work.

Choose Life Bibliothek wird eröffnet.
Choose Life-Büro in Kisa.
Ein Besuch in Kenia.