Movimiento Netzkraft

Los Pipitos

P.O. Box 2522; Frente a Ópticas Visión, Bolonia,
Managua 12066

Persona de contacto: Fabiola Alvarado

+505 2266 8033, +505 2266 8035
+505 2266 8070

Áreas temáticas

  • Política / Proyecto de educación
  • Política social/Discapacitados

Sobre nosotros

We are a social-volunteer Association of parents, relatives and friends of children with deficiencies and/or disabilities working together in solidarity under the umbrella of Los Pipitos. Our objectives are to support the full and effective participation of people with disability in development and community life and to improve their rights and protect their dignity. In order to achieve these objectives, Los Pipitos works hand in hand with many levels of the local and international communities. We build programs that create awareness, sensitize and educate members of society; including the families, the national and international communities, organizations of civil society and government institutions. We have developed different project activities that have been organized, developed and implemented through the following five programs.

• Awareness Raising, Advocacy and Promotion of Human Rights: Through this program we develop actions directed at reaching two main objectives: a) To create an awareness within the Nicaraguan society and its institutions regarding the rights and the respect of people with disability. b) To affect change in public policies, legislation and also to create a legal framework and institutional programs that guarantees equal opportunities for people with disability.

• Family and Community Learning: Los Pipitos believes that the role of the family is irreplaceable in the rehabilitation of the children. The main objective of this program is to enhance the development of children with disabilities by transforming each home into an Early Stimulation Center. This objective is reached by family and community learning (integration of family members according to the kind of disability of theit children), in the Education Centers Temprana, in regional rehabilitation and educational centers Temprana and the Medical Educational Institute.

• Social Integration and Community Initiative: This program is directly geared to promote the integration of children with disabilities into the daily life of the community, to gain access to equal opportunities and to optimize their full development as human beings, using the human resources, materials and infrastructure within each community. The program is designed to promote and coordinate community organisations, so as to, create and/or consolidate networks of inter-institutional and inter-sector coordination, as well as, to develop our strategy of Community Based Rehabilitation. Work focuses on inclusive education, arts and culture, sports and professional training and integration

• Associative Development: Programm objectives: To strengthen the local organization of Los Pipitos so that the associated parents have advocacy capacity with respect to institutions and the community, capacity to fundraise for and implement programs and projects and tools for planning and organizing their work.

• Institutional Strengthening: The aim of this program is to provide Los Pipitos at all levels (local, municipal and national) with the skills and capabilities they need to organize and manage their communities themselves financially, technically and resourcefully, to develop programs and actions that will benefit children with disability and ultimately lead to self sustainability.

For other net participants we can offer an expert guidance through trained staff, give an expert opinion, procure expert information and establish new contacts in the field of our work.