
Roma National Congress

Simon von Utrecht Str.85
20359 Hamburg

Kontaktperson: Knudsen, Markus

+49 403-94249
+49 403-0475


  • Antirassismus, Integrationspolitik
  • Menschenrechte

Über uns

The establishment of the Roma National Congress (RNC) was connected to the drastic changes which the political transition in eastern Europe brought upon the Roma: Along with freedom of expression and organization, eastern Europe's Roma face increasing discrimination and violence. Many of them have sought refuge in the West, but nationalist sentiments have prevented their absorption and protection.

While Romani organizations have now become active virtually everywhere in Europe, inclu-ding on the international level, none of existing bodies assumed responsibility for the Romani refugee population, althought refuge has always been part of Romani history. The RNC was founded in order to help protect and represent Roma who have become stateless or de facto stateless. While operating on the European level, the RNC also participates in other international efforts to represent the Roma, including EUROM and the Standing Conferenc for Cooperation and Coordination of Romani Associations in Europe (SCCCRAE).

The RNC's activities are based on the following general approach to the situation of the Roma:

- As a stateless, non-territorial nation in Europe, the Roma occupy a unique position, both historically and politically.
- The main problem confronting the Roma is racism; poverty, lack of education, unemployment and cultural deprivation are a result of society's hostility towards the Roma and as such they are symptoms, and not the core of the problem.
- Improvement on a national scale will always remain limited, since every European government fears a liberal Roma-policy will attract further Romani immigration. National policy is in fact contradictory to improvement, each state aiming at ridding itself of its own Roma population.
- Despite a number of breakthroughs on the international level, experience has shown that international law and international declarations are not implemented on a national scale. The rights of the Roma can therefore only be protected by a binding European Charta on Romani Rights, which would provide individuals with a legal basis for claiming their rights vis à vis national administrations.

We can inform about the situation of the Roma in Europe, make contacts or send our regular information service Romnews.