Movimiento Netzkraft



Persona de contacto: Paige LaCombe

Áreas temáticas

  • Economía alternativa
  • Política para la Paz
  • Lugar donde pernoctar

Sobre nosotros

Servas is an international, non-governmental, interracial peace association run in over 100 countries by volunteers. Founded in 1949 by Bob Luitweiler as a peace movement, Servas International is a non-profit organization working to build understanding, tolerance and world peace.

It operates through a network of Servas hosts around the world who are interested in opening their doors to travellers, and, 'on the other side of the coin', many open-minded travellers who want to get to know the heart of the countries they visit.

SERVAS INTERNATIONAL has consultative status as a non-governmental organization with the United Nations Economic and Social Council, currently with representation at many of the UN's hubs of activity.

There are over 13.000 Servas 'open doors' scattered throughout almost every country in the world.

How does SERVAS work?

Through SERVAS, travellers have opportunities to meet hosts, their familes and friends and join in their everyday life. Where convenient, hosts may offer two nights' accommodation and invite travellers to share a meal.

Names and addresses of hosts appear in annually produced lists which are made available to approved travellers. Servas hosts are just a cross-section of ordinary people.

The only requirement to join SERVAS as a host is the willingness to offer hospitality to travellers of any race and culture.

SERVAS encourages travellers to experience other societies more deeply and with more understanding than they would be likely to do as 'just plain tourists'.

In both cases, you will probably have to meet an experienced Servas member first.

For other net participants we can offer overnight facilities and establish new contacts in the field of our work.