Movimiento Netzkraft

Embipoc - Empowerment von Black, Indigenous und People of Color


Persona de contacto: Keniya

Áreas temáticas

  • Antiracismo, Política de integración
  • Política / Proyecto de educación

Sobre nosotros

Embipoc – (Empowerment of Black, Indigenous and People of Colour) is a non-profit association founded in 2019. A group from Kiel University would like to strengthen the interests of people of colour and black people and offer them a platform to speak openly about socially relevant topics.

EmBIPoC and its members are committed to the empowerment of BIPoC students, want to network them with each other and help shape events that deal with topics such as anti-racism: so that those affected finally have a voice in the discourse.
The term BIPoC is a self-designation and stands for people who are disadvantaged within mainstream society. The idea of starting a college group came from the lack of representation and non-white voices at the university.

We want to advocate for the interests of Black, Indigenous and People of Colour inside and outside the university campus. Above all, we want to offer a safer space in which BIPoC feel comfortable, are accepted and empowered. Every BIPoC is given a platform to share interests, ideas and thoughts, to get involved and to have a say in the (academic) discourse. We want to implement this primarily through projects and events. Our next project is a series of lectures on racism and empowerment at the university

• Networking of students who define themselves as BIPoC and have found a space through EmBIPoC to talk about everything that is in their hearts. We also support each other in many everyday things, such as finding accommodation, study matters or in cases of discrimination.
• The anti-racist online summer school, which we set up together with Eddi Steinfeldt-Netzens, the person responsible for diversity at the CAU, received a lot of positive feedback. Various people from all over Germany took part.

On request, we can provide advice for other network participants, give a presentation, and provide up-to-date specialist information and contacts in the field of our work.