Movimiento Netzkraft

Centrum für Migration und Bildung e.V.

Postfach 1303
55003 Mainz

Persona de contacto: Christiane Böhm

+49 01577/9583088

Áreas temáticas

  • Antiracismo, Política de integración
  • Política / Proyecto de educación
  • Política de la mujer / Proyecto feminista
  • Ayudantes voluntarios serán bienvenidos.

Sobre nosotros

The Centre for Migration and Education campaigns for human equality, regardless of birth, gender, appearance, religion or sexual orientation. It consists of women of various backgrounds who are experts in their field and have multiprofessional qualifications and years of experience in intercultural work. .

We want to achieve,
• public awareness of the situation – especially the psychosocial care of migrants in Mainz.
• the employment of qualified migrants in all important facilities.
• a broadening of intercultural competence in mainstream schools.
• a strengthening of family education work, youth cultural work, provisions for special needs, as well as advice on education and upbringing
• an improvement in the health and psychosocial care of migrants.

We reach our goals by e.g.
• holding lectures for professionals on the employment of migrants in the public sector.
• providing seminars for social workers, health care workers and administrators, dealing with intercultural competence.
• qualifying training supervisors who have to do with youths with a migrational background.
• qualifying students in intercultural competence.
• encouraging people with a migrational background to make better use of their skills
• developing projects and concepts for the implementation of intercultural competence
• developing initiatives within the framework of the Initiative Committee for Migration Policies – including membership of the Advisory Board for Migration and Integration.
• procuring counselling and therapy for people with a migrational background.
• repeatedly calling the attention of politicians, administrators and other relevant institutions to the fact that there is a need for equality in social and health care, specifically in psychotherapy.

We offer:
• furtherance of the psychosocial infrastructure
• procurement of intercultural competence at the workplace
• upgrading of personal skills
• advice and therapy

Our projects:
• The best school for my child
• Young women on advisory boards
• Language courses for the workplace
• Seminars in the “Euromir” Leisure Park.

Christiane Böhm is a qualified social education worker and is the contact person for the Centre for Migration and Education.

On request, we can offer other net participants advice, give a presentation and provide up to date information and contacts in the field of our work.