Movimiento Netzkraft

Happy Children e.V.

Bergstr. 20
79787 Lauchringen

Persona de contacto: Gabi Laszinger

+49 (0) 7741 807970
+49 (0) 7741 807971

Áreas temáticas

  • Organización de apoyo
  • Ayuda para países en vías de desarrollo
  • Política / Proyecto de educación

Sobre nosotros

Our organization is called Happy Children Trust Nepal. We’ve been certified as a respected and honorable non-profit charitable organization since 2000 and are yearly strictly monitored by the Central Institute for Social Affaires, Germany.
We believe the most important is to teach these children honor, dignity, and self-respect. We can accomplish this by making sure that they all have

• A full stomach
• A safe and secure environment
• An experience of being loved and a chance to develop social skills
• A chance for a proper education
• An experience of compassion, so they learn the skill of caring for others

Our Mission:

• To help the underprivileged, homeless, and hungry children
• To help the children who are cast away, forgotten, and left behind
• To help the children whose lives are destined for slavery due to family debt
• To help the poorest of the poor parents create the possibility of a happy future for their children
• To care and educate the children in a beautiful and loving surrounding, inspiring them toward vocational or university education
• To make it possible for the children to grow up and integrate productively into society, so they can live successful, fulfilling lives with honor and dignity – and – to help others

Our dedicated and creative work is already making a difference for those we can reach. We love them, we nurture them, we teach them, we inspire them, we show them what’s possible. Our holistic approach gives the children a real chance to have a life that is neither slavery nor misery.

We use Montessori teaching methods for the little ones – and other creative programs where the older children have the possibility to discover their own talents. They engage in dancing classes, singing and art classes, yoga and Tai Chi to bring out their creativity and awareness.

For other net participants we can offer an expert guidance through trained staff, give an expert opinion, procure expert information and establish new contacts in the field of our work.

Gabriella Laszinger, Gründerin, mit Happy Children-Kindern
Gabrielle Laszinger, Gründerin, mit Happy Chilren-Kindern
Gabrielle Laszinger, Gründerin, mit Happy Children-Kindern
Gabriella Laszinger, Gründerin, mit Frauen bei der wichtigsten Arbeit: Schaffung von Bewußtsein.
Das grösste Geschenk: die Schule besuchen zu dürfen.
Menschen in Schuldknechtschaft - im Jahre 2010 moderne Sklaven.
Menschen in Schuldknechtschaft - im Jahre 2010 moderne Sklaven
Kinderarbeit - normal in Nepal
Gabriella Laszinger mit Kindern, die Hilfe benötigen.