Movimiento Netzkraft

Kyamaganda Community Development Organization (KCDO)

P.O.BOX 51

Persona de contacto: Bukenya George Willy


Áreas temáticas

  • Organización de apoyo
  • Política / Proyecto de educación
  • Política social/Discapacitados
  • Ayudantes voluntarios serán bienvenidos.

Sobre nosotros

Kyamaganda Community Development Organization (KCDO) is a local Community Based Organization registered in 2013, and is located at Kyamaganda village, Nakateete parish, Kisekka sub county along Masaka- Mbarara highway.

Our vision
KCDO exists as an advocate for young people to release them from their spiritual, economic, social and physical poverty, enabling them to become responsible, fulfilled Christians and adult citizens.

Our mission
To restore hope to vulnerable community of young people and improve the standards of living through organizing the community to initiate, maintain a healthy living condition, development projects, support and care to vulnerable people and proclaim evangelism.

• To improve the health conditions of young people through awareness campaigns against HIV/AIDS and proper family nutrition.
• To provide academic freedom of young people through provision of adequate physical and emotional support to both girls and boys.
• To identify and mitigate all forms of physical, sexual and psychological violence and other forms of abuse subjected to young people
• To enhance economic empowerment through engaging women and youths in VSLA groups and start up IGAs.
• To develop effective linkages with government line agencies, NGOs and donor agencies working for community development through research and

We work with community partners restoring hope to vulnerable families and improving the standard of living through access to education, medicine, and clean water and through providing self-sustaining micro-economic opportunities: pig and chicken farming, soap making, and basket weaving.

Our work:
Improved Health and Nutrition:
• Monitoring viral load suppressions.
• Support in distribution of ARVs/ART refill.
• Nutritional food support to 90 HH.
• Distribution of 5000 mosquito nets.
• Supporting Health centres with IAC materials and testing kits and other Covid19 care materials
Improved Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)
• Supported 50 HH with hand washing units and soap.
• 200 water purifiers given to HH.
• In partnership with NWSC piped water for 7 villages was commissioned and operational.
• Over 40 sessions on WASH conducted in Ndagwe,Kisekka and Kinoni Town council.
Economic Development and Livelihoods
• 90 households supported with boaster grants.
• Over 60 pigs and 100 hens and a cow given to HH.
• Over 100 HH reached with business skills training.
• Over 300 households have been provided with kitchen gardening.
• 259 children supported with school fees.
• 200 supported with scholastic materials.
• 68 youth trained in entrepreneurship
• 259 children provided with lunch at school.
• 10 schools supported with school text books
• 9 schools supported with sports equipments.

Bukenya George Willy is the Director of Kyamaganda Community Development Organization (KCDO-Uganda).

For other net participants we can offer an expert guidance through trained staff, give an expert opinion, procure expert information and establish new contacts in the field of our work.